The Domain Service

Spatial computing requires an understanding of the surrounding environment, and this digital representation of the physical environment can be very memory intensive, which can in turn be challenging for the navigating device. A headset or a phone, for example, cannot reasonably be asked to keep a very large copy of the world in its memory.

Thatโ€™s why traditional VPS solutions, like Googleโ€™s Geospatial API, run on a cloud. This makes it easier to store large amounts of data, but instead creates a new challenge: spatial computing tasks like pose estimation within a shared coordinate system requires the computer to have information both from the deviceโ€™s sensors and the digital representation of the environment in question.

And so, if the device wants to calculate its position it must either request sufficient information from the cloud about its environment so that it can do the calculation privately, or it must send its sensor data to the cloud for calculation to happen there.

Since calculation also incurs energy cost, there will be times when the device will prefer for calculation to be done on its behalf somewhere else - which creates tensions around privacy.

The posemesh domain service makes it possible for a domain owner to own and provide their own maps to visiting devices. Like a VPS it stores a digital representation of a space, but unlike a cloud-based VPS it is self-hosted and only concerned with representing the environment you are interested in.

Under this paradigm, the posemesh positioning service becomes a protocol for moving between privately owned maps, rather than one single centrally-owned representation of the whole world. In the cases where a device wishes for computation to be done on its behalf, that computation can be done domain-side by a domain cluster participant.

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