Technical Introduction

The posemesh is a DePIN for spatial computing and AI.

The posemesh is a decentralized machine perception network and collaborative spatial computing protocol. It allows devices to share spatial data and compute resources to collaboratively understand their physical environment.

It's like an external sense of space that machines and AI can connect to to gain an immediate and shared understanding of the space they are inhabiting.

The posemesh SDK enables participant devices to exchange pre-defined spatial data types and tasks, and to get connected to each other through a global resource discovery service.

Each participant in the posemesh announces their capabilities and capacity to the discovery service, allowing them to be invited or recruited intodomain clusters.

A domain cluster is a list of participants and their capabilities in a distributed hash table, and a pair of encryption keys to allow for privacy-preserving collaboration. Exchanges of spatial data always happen between participants in the same domain cluster, encrypted with the domain cluster's keys, and are not broadcast to other domain clusters or participants outside the domain cluster.

The purpose of the domain cluster is to collaboratively perceive and process a three dimensional environment, and to create a domain; a shared named coordinate system, a spatio-semantic representation of the corresponding environment and a unique ID for domain clusters to form around.

The domain is divided into partitions and contains three important layers of information: The semantic layer, the topography layer and the rendering layer. Visiting participants can purchase access to these layers piecemeal per partition, but also be rewarded for contributing observations and spatial data to the domain owner and other participants.

Rewards are paid out in the posemesh's native $AUKI token, commensurate to the amount of work performed in service of other participants, domains, or the protocol itself. To be eligible to earn rewards, or to gain access to some domains and domain clusters, the participant must be backed by an onchain staked reputation.

To perform work or supply spatial data, the participant must first register its capabilities with the discovery service and put up a sufficient staked reputation to act as a collateral or deposit to ensure good behavior even when interacting with unknown third parties.

The same applies for visiting participants that wish to purchase work or spatial data. Without registering sufficient reputation with the discovery service you'll be unable to join domain clusters and domains.

Services consume credits, an offchain non-transferable balance representing a pre-paid claim on posemesh services and data. Credits are created through a dollar-denominated and deflationaryburn of $AUKI tokens, ensuring service price stability for demand participants while maintaining price discovery for supply participants.

Since the burn is dollar-denominated, demand participants have to burn more tokens for the same amount of service when then the $AUKI token price is low - but the dollar cost of the service and data is stable.

When there is more supply than demand, and the token price falls as a consequence, the dollar-denominated burn leads to an increase in the deflation rate. Demanding participants end up burning more tokens, as more tokens are required for the same dollar-denominated service.

The dollar value of a staked reputation changes with the price of the token, incentivizing service provision in periods of increased deflation. This helps balance network provisioning.

List of Components:

The Posemesh SDK

You can create and connect your own custom applications and devices to the posemesh using a growing library of SDKs. Connecting applications and devices burn tokens.

The Discovery Service

The posemesh discovery service provides orchestration to allow participants and applications to find each other and form and join domain clusters.

The Blockchain

Participant reputations and rewards are handled by smart contracts and an innovative burn-credit-mint economy, interfacing with the Base blockchain.

The Domain Service

The Domain service handles and serves persistent spatio-semantic data about physical environments. Domain service providers stake a reputation and earn rewards for providing data to visiting devices.

The Relay Service

Decentralized and hyperlocal, the posemesh provides low latency networking relays for collaborative spatial computing and XR. Relay providers stake a reputation and earn rewards for routing messages to other participants.

Last updated